Thursday, November 14th, 2019 The Heart and Soul of Gemstones at ZICANA, with CPIII
In the past 2 years, we have been examining the core of good design, aside from scale, proportion, synergy, and good taste. What we have been looking-at as a TEAM, and what Charles has dedicated enormous personal time and effort to, is how Personal Wellness is influenced by Good Interior Design. Now this may seem a bit ‘out-there’ at first, but had you attended Charles’ recent lecture on Wellness as it relates to the presence of Crystals, you would begin to understand how design in the absence of technology and the over-stimulus it brings can influence the human spirit and have calming, even nourishing effects on the body and mind. Crystals can even act as a channel for healing which can help positive and healing energy flow into the body, causing negative energy to be drawn out.

In November, Zicana, together with ASID, hosted an evening in their spectacular showroom in Westbury, NY with Charles himself as the keynote speaker. The audience was mesmerized as he recounted his experiences with gemology and crystals and how his interiors and clients have benefited from their presence.

Toward the end of his illuminating talk, Charles brought out his chunk of pyrite he uses as a paper-weight in the office and spoke of how it is know as ‘the money stone‘ for how it increases your feelings of abundance and how it strengthens your personal power and self-worth to help you go after the financial success you want and deserve. Interestingly enough, the pyrite mineral he keeps on his work-table on his project blueprints which indeed represent money-making projects for the company. Right after this last highlight, they held a silent auction, and sure enough, Charles’ business card was chosen from the pot and he won a pair of quartz candle-holders custom made by Zicana! Luck had NOTHING to do with it. Think Pyrite = Money Stone !! With that, patrons began flocking to the displays and buying specimens and Zicana crystals and other fine gemstones in the hopes of having such success themselves!


2019 Design Excellence Award for Showhouse
Click on the link below to view the award on the ASID NY Metro Website:
While looking back at 2019, we were amazed to discover that we had completely forgotten that we had earned our 33rd Design Award for Excellence, this time the 2019 ASID NY Metro Design Excellence Award for Showhouse! With all that has been going on this year, it’s reasonable to assume that our focus has been strongly centered on our clients, lectures, and new product collections at the expense of lauding our own achievements! What’s interesting to note is how this venture into home Wellness and the retreat we fashioned for the Kips Bay Decorator Showhouse last year has continued to play a role of influence in 2019. Below, you can read the Room Description for that Kips Bay Wellness Retreat, and clearly, Charles’ eye for design and Wellness has sparked some significant interest and revealed some truths and secrets about nature and its power to nurture. Consider adding a Wellness Retreat to your own home and allow yourself the opportunity to open yourself to serenity in the design of your interiors.
Home Wellness Retreat, for Mind, Body, and Spirit

Pavarini’s Home Wellness Retreat for mind, body, and spirit balances residential interior design concepts with Ayurvedic elements to unify the design vision through the physical and metaphysical. Each element within the space has been carefully chosen to be non-competitive and rooted in the ancient philosophies of well-being to promote a luxury environment that gives individuals the opportunity to truly relax and mentally escape the over-stimulus created by every-day electronics. Encouraging practice of meditation, massage, and light physical activity such as stretching and yoga, the space motivates one to get in-touch with the creative self by embracing the senses.
The harmony created by the relaxing sound of water trickling into the pool, the sight of lush greenery from the private garden, and the nourishing effects from liquid fasting and juicing fosters
healthy routine, “It’s our responsibility as Interior Designers to ease the spirit and to make people feel good about themselves by bringing function, great design, and peace to their home environment.” –C. Pavarini III

Executed in a subtle color palette of pale grays, silvers, and subtle hues, the furnishings scheme is intended to envelop the room and to be soothing on the eye to allow the metaphysical components to subliminally nourish the human spirit.
An abundance of natural crystal and a fine curation of art work and commissioned pieces bring deeper meaning, thereby creating sanctuary in this luxury residential home retreat.